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A Space Where Your Voices Can Live: CASTING CALL

Malmö Konstmuseum presents A Space Where Your Voices Can Live, an ambient, site-specific, and immersive, textile installation and multi-media show, to be performed in one of the old canon towers at Malmöhus Fästning, in the context of Southern Swedish Design Days (25-28 May 2023), and

later during Roskilde Festival (24 June - 1 July 2023) in Denmark. We are seeking one choreographer/dance captain and four movement artists to perform at both sites for a total of five performances.

Chicago-based visual artist Lise Haller Baggesen (DK/USA) has developed a narrative and a cast of seven characters with a score by composer Naima Karlsson (S/UK) to be performed live together with Adriana Camacho (MEX) alongside the five performers.

Full casting call attached below.


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